Blog Update

Fenton and Pat are alive and well and traveling non-stop still. Here’s just a snapshot of what they’ve been up to since 2017:

2018:The Beginning in Umri, India

The journey began in the summer of 2018 when Fenton teamed up with EMI for an initial survey trip in Umri, India. Anyone familiar with Indian summers would tell you they are synonymous with blazing heat. But even the scorching sun couldn't outshine the beauty of the all-marble Taj Mahal, a sight that left an indelible mark on Fenton.

December was particularly eventful. Before returning to India, Fenton and Pat traveled with BCA to Albania and took a week-long trip around Germany with Phil Olander. Their India return was aimed at evaluating possible contractors with EMI. By 2019, the contractor they selected did wonders with the electrical upgrades, all under the diligent oversight of EMI.

2019: Adventure in Bongolo, Gabon

In October and November, Fenton and Pat were in Bongolo, Gabon, where Fenton's engineering acumen was put to the test. Working with Samaritans Purse, he was there to sanity check the work executed by a local contractor (Be-Tech) that was based on an EMI design. Fortune favors the diligent, and they “happened” to discover that the caps in the CVT were failing. Luckily, they managed to secure replacements under warranty.

Pat, on the other hand, had a unique medical experience. While mentoring surgery residents, Pat encountered an unusual case—treating a man attacked by a leopard. This scenario epitomizes the unpredictable nature of the medical profession, especially in regions abundant with wildlife.

2021: Challenges in Galmi, Niger

In May and June of 2021, the pair found themselves in Galmi, Niger, once again collaborating with Samaritans Purse. Fenton's primary task was to prepare for an EMI team arriving in mid-June. However, an unexpected discovery had them recalibrate their plans. The O2 plant's compressor was mistakenly set on manual reset mode instead of auto, causing the hospital to run out of O2 at times.

While Fenton grappled with the technical issues, Pat was deeply engrossed in mentoring nine surgery residents. The challenges were immense, with many diseases, many of which unfortunately culminated in fatalities.

2022: Returning to Galmi, Niger

Details of their 2022 adventure in Galmi, Niger, are still fresh, and stories are still unfolding. However, given their previous expeditions, it's clear that their combined skills and unwavering commitment will undoubtedly make a lasting difference