Rain at Last

by Fenton Rees

October 8, 2015

Well we had our first measureable rain this afternoon, so wet season is just around the corner;- not good as it will be even hotter and more humid.    It sounded like a heavy downpour on the tin roof, but not that bad when you went outside. But at least the nearby fires that have been set to clear weeds and undergrowth have mostly gone out;- last night was really smokey.  
Pat is now fully into the “slicing and dicing” mode. In the picture Pat is operating on a little girl with broken leg and foot bones.  They were doing what sounded like a complicated re-engineering effort, moving a muscle or two to cover a bone to stop it getting infected, or something like that.  The metal rods protrude thru the skin to hold the bones in place.  If you are puking at the picture, be thankful that it was not one of a cancerous eye (last year), that would really make you hurl your cookies.
I (Fenton) am still working on the eye clinic’s electrical system. Things always go slower than you think they should;- if you run out of supplies you can’t just go a few miles down to Home Depot.  The local village (still on the “island”) has some hardware supplies, but limited and often of poor quality.
In some ways the lack of TV is a good thing;- one gets much more reading done.  Right now I am almost done with Chuck Colson’s last book (called “My Final Word”). As always with Colson, a good read. There are 12 chapters, with each containing short articles from his daily 5 minute "BreakPoint” radio segments that had never before been published. Definitely food for thought with chapters on such things such as: Bioethics, Homosexuality, Islam and the War of Worldviews.  
But with the Rugby World Cup in full swing, I would still have liked just a little TV.     
Fenton & Pat