Spiritual Showers

by Dr. Pat Rees

September 25, 2015

Early this AM we were in Libreville, Gabon at the guest house. Unfortunately, the water pressure which was bad last night was nonexistent this morning. When it is hot like this, a shower, a couple of times a day, really feels good. Dr. Izzy had needed to come to Libreville for a day, so was there with us, and was trying to impart some helpful words. She was sharing with us the best way to take a "bucket bath" in the shower. She was detailed to us the wisdom of using a cup to pour the water from the bucket, over ourselves to rinse the soap off. 
Good Words.

Spiritually, I often need a "shower" also. I get myself dirty with living in this world-----unkind words, feelings of jealousy or pride, anger-----things I don't even like to see in myself. My solution is I apply some "soap": I read God's Word, I pray, I fast, I meditate.....all really good things to do, and they may loosen the hold of sin on my life, but it doesn't get me clean. I need to really use the cup, the grace of God that he richly pours over me and cleans me up. Repeatedly and slowly, his "cup" of grace rinses away those areas of my life that are not very pleasant to see, feel or smell! If the bucket of grace was poured over me all at once, I'd be not only overwhelmed but parts of me wouldn't get rinsed. If I tried to wipe things away on my own (as with a cloth) I would be somewhat cleaner, but I would still have some sticky, residual dirty soap on me. The solution to my life, is all in that cup!
Thanks Dr. Izzy for some wise words.