Editorial Note: This entry was originally written by Fenton on February 22, 2017, and distributed to a small group of praying friends at that time. This is the third and last post of Fenton's trip to Zambia. Read the first post here.
by Fenton Rees
I arrived home on Sunday afternoon after a thirty-four hour trip from Livingstone, Zambia. So by today (Wednesday), I am kind of getting back onto the right time zone.
After my last post, I thought I should say a few words about The Salvation Army, for those of you in the United States. In many of the other English speaking countries, (ie. UK, Australia, and New Zealand), Salvation Army churches are a fairly common sight in most towns, often co-located with a “Value Village” type shop and other such services. And so it was in Zambia, where we saw Salvation Army churches in some of the towns we drove through.
Some of you might be wondering “What happens now to all this hard work the eMi team has done?” Glad you asked:
In the next two months, eMi will generate a final report that will be forwarded to The Salvation Army in Zambia and perhaps more importantly that information will also be used to generate a grant application to U.S. Aid. For the second half of our time in Zambia, a lady from The Salvation Army's United States Head Office was with us. She will be the one writing this grant proposal. I think they are intending to apply for at least one million dollars. To my way of thinking, that is a better use of your tax dollars than funding dubious entities, so you can pray that this funding comes through.
Dam and the sinkhole problem and the risk of catastrophic failure.
Sometimes when I travel overseas I depart from my regular Bible reading schedule (alternating Old Testament and New Testament Chapters through the week) and instead just go through a book of the Bible, usually in the New Testament. This time, I made it through the Book of Galatians--the bondage of the law versus the freedom of the Gospel. Galatians 6:10 says “So then, while we have the opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith." I think we did that, but of course you helped if you prayed.
Well, that’s all for now!
Life in Zambia.